Impact Of COVID 19 On Children

 These days more than 200 countries have been facing COVID 19 pandemic for 1 year. The second and third wave of COVID 19 is devastating billions of lives and livelihood in the world. 

The total number of suffered people from COVID 19 is 168,295,393 in the world. The new case came 309,521 within 24 hours in the world. The total number of death is 3,493,328.

The total number of suffered people is 27,122,158 in India. The new case came 174,662 within 24 hours. It shows the condition of India is improving. The total number of death due to COVID 19 is 310,416 in India. 

# Data is taken from Worldomters, information. 

It puts a devastating impact at the life of every people. These people are common man, business man, entrepreneur, industrialist, workers, labours, employees and doctors but the most affected  group is  Children. There are many hundred  children became orphan due to COVID 19 in the world. There are many countries where this event happened maximum. These countries are India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Maldives and Brazil. 

There are many state government of India is doing for something for the suffered children but according to my opinion it is concern of every government to do more for caring this issue otherwise there are many problems arise due to not proper care of issue. These problems may be Child traffcking and illegal adoption. 

1. Rajasthan- It is an important state of India. It makes a special plan to take care of all children who became orphan due to COVID. According to my research there are six girls became orphan in Rajasthan. Their name is Urvi, Krati, Supriya, Bindiya, Poorvi and Riya. State government provides medical educational and financial facility. They provide medical treatment of all children in governmental hospital. They provide 1000 per month to children under Palanhaar Yojna. 

2. Tamilnadu- It is also a developed state of India. It has made a seven members task force under the guidance of Collector. It provides proper care and protection to children who became orphan due to COVID. 

3. Punjab- It is the third government that cares this issue. It announced to provide 1500 Rs per month, free education up to Graduation to all concern children. 

There are many international organizations that shows their concern towards it. UNICEF is one of them. It is doing it's best for the caring of orphan children. They are providing kinship care, family tracing, talk to state and central government and many other organization to care this issue. 

According to my opinion it is not state government issue. It should be the issue of Central government. Every government should announce a special program to special care to all children who lost their parents in this pandemic. They should release a toll free number where any person may give information to such children children who lost their parents and government should provide all facilities to make them accountable citizens of country. 


  1. From the last one year the virus has affected the world at huge level. It has left no one whether child,adult or old age people. Now in the 3rd wave of Covid 19 children are the most affected and earlier they were affected as their parents had left them due to covid. So we should take measures for the safety of all the children and people out there.

  2. Navlesh kumar jha
    From sitamarhi

  3. Very good artical
    Navlesh kumar jha
    From sitamarhi

  4. Absolutely right sir. I appreciate your article and agree with your opinion
    (Annie kiran)
    Muz. Bihar

  5. Very helpful
    Anand Raj


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