Secondary Data

 There are many methods of Secondary Data collection. These methods are as below-

1.Census- It is the first method of Secondary data collection.Every government does census in his country after a fix period. This period may be five or ten years. In this process they collect many facts, figures of their citizens.They also collect data in questionnaires form.Researcher may take these data from Census department.


1.It provides huge facts, figure.

2.It provides detail data.

3.It is error free.

4.It is easy to use.

5.It is beneficial if population size is big.


1.It does not cover every topic.

2.It provides depth facts, figure so analysis is dificult.

3.It is carried out every ten years.

4.It is beneficial only economical area.

5.It takes long time to collect and process.

2.Government publication- It is the second method of data collection. Every government publishes many reports, paper, document every year.These reports contain many facts, figure, data etc. Researcher may use it for research purpose.

3.Journals- It is also an important method of data collection.Every journal published many topics related article. It is a periodic publication in which scholar express his idea, thought, vision on certain topic.


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