Introduction to Window and its feature.

 Operating system is the system that coordinates User and hardware or Software of Computer to perform function according to the instruction of User.There are many types of operating system. These are MS DOS, Window and so on.

MS DOS is the first and popular operating system that is produced by Microsoft. There are many positive amd negative feature MS DOS possess. Microsoft Windows overcomes all negative feature of MSDOS so it also became very popular operating system in the world.

There are many versions of Windows. These are Window 3.0,Window XP,  Window 95, Window 98, Window 2000, Window XP Professional, Window Vista etc.

The first version of Window was produced in 1983.

Feature of Window operating system-

1.The speed of Window operating system is very fast.It responses quick to User.

2. It booting time is minimum by a fast way.

3.It requires less update that is beneficial to User.

4.The replacement of Window system from one version to other version is easy.

5.It search engine performs better than any other operating system.

6.It also possess the feature of safety and security.

7.It is able to perform its function on any standard x86 Intel.

8.It requires less hardware.


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