Graphical representation of Data

 There are many ways of representation of Data. These ways are numeric way and Graphic way.

A graph is a sort if chart through which data are represented in many forms.There are many ways data is represented in graphical ways. These ways are Line diagram, Histogram, Bar diagram, Pie chart, Frequency Polygon and Ogive. 

1.Line diagram- It is the first way of representation data. It is also simple way.When data vary over time we use line diagram to represent it.In a simple line gram we plot t and y form. t represents the time series at the time point.The plotted points are then joined by line segments. This process is called line diagram.

2.Histogram- It is the second methods of represent data.It is one of the most used methods for representing historical data.


1.It is simple.

2.It is versatile.

3.It may used many condition.

4.It has multipurpose use.

5.It shows the spread of variations.

So we can say that Histogram is a pictorial representation of data.

3.Bar graph- It is also an important form of data representation. It is a pictorial representation of data in the form of a series of bars. It has two axis. One is X-axis that is shown in the horizontal axis and second is Y axis that is shown in vertical form.

Each bar of a bar diagram has same width.Space between two consecutive bars is same in drawing bar diagram.


1.It shows each data in a frequency.

2.It displays relative numbers of multiple categories.

3.It summarize a large amount of data into pictorial form.

4.It is easy to understand.

5.It is easy to draw.

So we can say that a Bar gram displays data in separate columns.It compares  two or three data sets.

4.Pie Chart-It is also an important technique of data representation. It is a circular graphical chart that is divided into slices to show numeric proportions.


1.It is easy to explain data.

2.It is very useful to communicate in Marketing.

3.It immediate analysis of difficult data.

4.It is effective method of communication.

5.It shows relatives proportions of multiple classes of data.


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