Difference between Primary and Secondary Data

 There are many differences between Primary and Secondary Data. These differences are as below-

Primary Data                                                     Secondary Data

1.It is collected by Researcher at first time.     1.It is collected by any other person.

2.It is current data.                                            2.It is not current data.

3.It consists many steps.                                   3.It does not consist many steps.

4.It is costly.                                                      4.It is not costly. It is economical.

5.It requires more time to collect.                      5.It requires less time to collect.

6.It presents raw/crude form.                             6.It presents refined form.

7.It is maximum accurate.                                  7.It is less accurate.

8.It is more reliable.                                            8.It is less reliable.

9.Its collection process is difficult.                     9.Its collection process is easy.

10.It is original.                                                   10. It is not original.

11.It is qualitative nature.                                    11.It is quantitative nature.

12.It is more effective to solve problem.                12.It is less effective to solve problem.

13.It is free from bias.                                           13.It is not free from bias.


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