Diagrammatic presentation of data

 There are two ways of data presentation. One is diagrammatic presentation and second is graphical presentation.

The process in which data is presented in visual form and facts are highlighted in the language of diagram this process is called diagrammatic presentation.

In other words we can say that the process in which data is represented in the form of diagram to increase the simplicity of Statistics this process is called diagrammatic presentation.


1,It is easy to understand for all people.

2.It is simple to represent.

3.It shows many facts of data.

4.It is used in every country, continent so its application is universal.

5.It gives clear massage, facts of data.

6.It saves time, energy, effort, resource of users.

7.It is easy to remember.

8.It removes the complexity of data.

9.It shows data in an attractive and impressive form.


1.It provides complex idea so many people do not understand it.

2.It provides certain and limited information.

3.It does not permit to analyse further.

4.It is easy to misinterpret.

5.It is beneficial for comparative study.

6.It does not explain small differences.

7.It is time consuming process.

8.It shows limited amount of information.

9.It is difficult to maintain more accuracy.

10.It is only bird's eye view.


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