Concept of Entreprenurship

 Entrepreneurship plays an important role for the development of country. The country that is developed the growth of entrepreneurs is very high in such type of concern country whereas the country where the growth of entrepreneurs is low their growth is also low so we can say thar there is a direct relationship between the growth of country and entrepreneurs.


The origin of Entrepreneurship is in 14 th century. It belongs to tax collection system. The person who collects tax they paid the tax to government earlier and then they collect tax. In this process they face maximum risk because if they di not collect tax they bear loss so we can say that the person who performs such type of work they are Entrepreneurs and this process is called Entrepreneurship.

After the crossing the time the growth of concept is changed. It became an element of production in 17 th century.According to is an element of production. The process in which Entrepreneurs arrange capital, land,raw material and produce product this process is called Entrepreneurship.

In the 18 th century Richard Centillon explains the process in which One who bears risks by buying at certain prices and selling at uncertain prices this process is called Entrepreneurship.

In 1934 Joseph Schumpeter explains the process in which one who applies innovation within the context of the business to satisfy unfulfilled market demand this process is called Entrepreneurship.

So we can say that there are many aspects of Entrepreneurship in the period of 14 th to 20 century. Every expert explains it by many new way. All ways are correct because every expert considers present economic condition and explain Entrepreneurship.

Example of Top women entrepreneurs in India-

1.Molly Chakraborty.

2.Chandni Kapadia.

3.Shweta Pathak.

4.Chahat Aggarwal.

5.Dr. Nagma Abbasi.

6.Sonica Aron.

7.Agatha Sushila Dias.

8.Sunaina Khanna.

9.Shelly Luthra.


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