Concept of Entrepreneur and its characteristics.

 Entrepreneurs play an important role for the development of common man, society, nation because they innovate new idea, opine and produce world class product or service at minimum price.

The word Entrepreneur is derived from the French word entrepreneur which means to undertake. In the 16 th century the collection of people who organized and led military activities were called entrepreneur

In the 17 th century the people who perform hard and difficult task in construction sector is called Entrepreneur.


The person who innovate idea and change it into the form of product or service this person is called Entrepreneurs.

In other words we can say that the person who starts a new business by an innovative way and provide product or service at minimum price to increase the living standard of common man this type of person is called Entrepreneur.


There are many characteristics of Entrepreneur. These characteristics are as below-

1.Creative-It is the first characteristic of Entrepreneur, They also think to perform their function by a new and innovative way so they consider all alternative that is possible to perform function. After considering all ways they choose one of the best way that became new and innovative and customers are satisfied from rhis way.

2.Passion- It is an unique feature of Entrepreneurs. They have maximum passion towards their function.Many person say many negative things towards that work but Entrepreneurs have believe towards their function so they perform their function by cent per cent effective and efficient way and get success.

3.Laborious- It is also an important characteristics of Entrepreneurs. They are very laborious. They work 18 hours daily. They never take holidays, They feel very happy from their work. Their work gives them happyness and satisfacation.

4.Sincerity- Every Entrepreneur are very sincere towards their function, goal, aim, objectives and so on. They follow rules, regulation,law policy that is made by them. They also expect all concern people follow all these things.

5.Self reliance-Every Entrepreneur has maximum believe in themselves. They know that the function they are performing is right. One day they get big success and show the world that they are right.

6. Optimistic  Every Entrepreneur is optimistic. They always think positive towards people, People think negative towards them and cheat them but they never think negative towards all these people so they get energy, effort, resource, strength from all these people.

7. Innovative- Entrepreneur are innovative. They always innovate idea, opine,thought, vision, philosophy to perform their function and provide maximum satisfaction to customers.

8.Communicator- Entrepreneurs are good communicator. They share their idea, opine, thought, feelings, emotion,policy, programme, in such type of way that people became very happy to accept it.

9.Secrecy- Entrepreneur maintain secrecy. They know more things but they do not share it any one. They listen people and take idea but they do not give idea.

10.Leadership-Entrepreneurs have leadership quality.They attract people and use people towards function. They have high class idea so when they communicate people they touch the heart of people and make them followers.

11. Flexible- Entrepreneurs are flexible. They behave according to condition. They are ready to accept new idea, technology and use it to perform their function by effective and efficient way.


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