Concept of Batch Costing

 It is also an important  type of coastong .It is used when company has single unit of production and and they produce many type of product . The process in which manager know the price of product and its element is a particular period . This process is called batch costing . 

In other words we can say that the price of row material is Changable so orgnation knows  the price of product and its concern element in a fixed period this process is called batch coasting

* Nature--

1. It is an internal coastinf system

2. It is used by middle scale company larje scale company

3. It is a continuous process

4. It is a cost minimization technique

5. It is benifical for multinational production 

* Advantage - It is used to cost control

2. It make the function of production more effective efficient economical and so on

3. It helps in pricing

4. It helps optimum utilization of resourse

5. It helps in profit maximization

6. It helps in goal achivement process .

* Disadvantage;-

1. It is not useful for small scale company 

2. It isnot benifical for for singal using product.

3. It is complex test because two forcast expenditure according to production costing is very paper work so, it requires more time energy effort resourse and so on.

4. It is more benifical incost control not in profit manimization. 


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