Socio Cultural Environmrnt of Business

 Business is a universal function. It present at every corner of universe.There are many factors affect the growth of business.These factors are structure of economy,management of organization,and environment.The impact of every factor is variable from each other.Among all Environment is one of the important factor that affects maximum.

Business enviorment consists all elements like social forces, demography, cultural that affects business directly and indirectly and affects the growth of business.

Socio cultural enviornment-

Everycustomer has particular belief, customs,practices and so on.The combination of all these things is jointly known as Socio cultural environment.

In other words we can say that Socio Cultural possess a number of factors of customers or Consumers.These factors are lifestyle value aesthetics education language religion social organization, technology value attitude reference group family etc.

Element of Socio Cultural Environment-


2.Demographic profile


4.Reference group. institution.




9.Life style.


11.Family Structure

12.Class structure.

13.Corporate goverence

14.Social audit

15.Social responsibility.

16.Caste system.


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