Generation of Computers

 Computer is an electronic device that accepts data from user and after processing data gives information.There are many characteristics of Computer like Speed,store, accuracy ,diligence and multi user etc.According to size of Computer there are four types of Computer. These are Micro, Mini, Mainframe and Super.

Generation of Computer-

There are five generations of Computers. These generations are as below-

1.First generation-The period of first generation's Computer is 1946-1959.It used Vacuum tubes to perform its function.The size of Computer in this generation is very large. It also produces more heat so it is very expensive to operate.Its maintaince is also very expensive.

2.Second generation-The period of second generation's Computer is 1959 to 1971.It used transistors so it produces less heat and its size also decreased.The speed of Computer also increased in the compare of first generation.

3.Third generation-The period of third generation's Computer is 1965 to 1971.It used Integrated Circuit.Integrated Circuit was invented by Robert Noyce and Jacky Kilby in 1958.Due to use of I.C. The size of Computer becomes very good.The speed of Computer also become very fast.

4.Fourth generation-The period of fourth generation's Computer is 1971 to present.It used Microprocessor.It used all types of high level language.The size of Computer also become very well.

5.Fifth generation-The period of fifth generation's Computer is at present. It used artificial intelligence.It is based on Ultra Large Scale Intergration.It is very user friendly.


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