Concept of Hardware and Software and its difference.

 There are many types of devices Computer possess.These devices are CPU,Input Device,Out put Device etc,On the basis of structure we can classify all these devices into two parts. These parts are Hardware and Software.

Hardware-It is physical components of Computer.All parts of Computer that we can touch is called Hardware.It is used to build up Computer.

Example-Memory,Monitor, Processor Printer, Keyboard.

Software-It is also an important part of Computer.It is a collection of instructions.We can not see these types of parts.It is a programming code executed on computer processor.

Difference Hardware and Software.

Hardware                                        Software

1.It is a physical parts of Computer.1.It is non physical parts of Computer.

2.It is manufactured.                         2.It is not manufactured.It is developed.

3.It is seen or touched.                      3.It is not seen or touched.

4.It is not affected by viruses.           4.It is affected by viruses.

5.It is manufactured with electronic components.5.It is developed with programming.

6.It is repaired if it damages.              6.It is not repaired if it damages.

7.It is replaced.                                   7.It is not replaced.

8.It may not perform any task without Software.8.It may perform task without hardware.

9.It is a collection of programs.            9.It is not collection of programs.


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