What is Organising Nature importance

We know that Management plays an important role in the development and goal achiving process of Company in 21st century because today's world is full of competition.There are a number of functions we performs in Management.These functions are Planning,Organising,Staffing,Directing,Controlling and so on.Every function is important and play a unique role to perform the function of business by effective,efficient,economical way.Among all Organising is the second and most important function because it divides available human resource force in such type of way that optimum utilisation of human resource force possible inside the organisation.
There are a number of ways expert defines Organising.Some ways are as below-
According to Theo Haimann-Organising is the process of defining and grouping the activites of the enterprise and establishing the authority relationship among them.
According to Louis Allen-Organising is the process of identifying and grouping the work to be performed defining and delegating responsibility and authority and establishing relationship for the purpose of enabling people to work most effectively together in accomplishing objectives.
According to me- Organising is the systmactic arrangement of function,subfunction,activities,subactivities of organisation according to department wise to achieve objectives of organisation.
In other words we can say that Organising is the systmatic and scientific combination of our function according to departmentwise to perform it by effective and efficient way.
There are a number of Organising.These natures are as below-
1.It is an internal function of Management.
3.It is formal function.
3It is purposeful function.
4.It is goal oriented function.
5.It is dynamic function.
6.It is scientific function.
7.It is a systmatic function.
8.It is goal oriented function.
Importance of Organising-
The importance of Organising is as below-
1.It makes the function effective and efficient.
2.It helps to achieve the goal of Organisation.
3.It helps to maximum utilisation of human resource force.
4.It helps to optimum utilisation of human resource force.
5.It helps to earn profit of Organisation.
6.It helps to growth of Organisation.
7.It helps other function of Management like Staffing,Directing,Controlling.
8.It creates coordination among employees.
9.It establishes effective communication among employees.
10.It helps proper administration.
11.It helps expansion of Organisation.
12.It helps the development of human resource force.
13.It helps to create professional working relationship among employees.


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