Impact of COVID19 On Employment.

Corona virus outbreak was first reported in Wuhan China on Dec 2019. Wuhan is the capital of Hubei on 11 March 2020 WHO recognize  it as pandemic.

As on 04.06.2020 more than 216919 cases have been confirmed in India and more than 6075 death.

According to the many surveys COVID 19 puts maximum impact on world economy.
Today Indian economy becomes globalize so it also faces maximum impact.
There are million of people lost their job during the second wave of pandemic because most countries that has been suffering from COVID 19 imposes lockdown in their country. Due to lockdown most function of business like Production, Supply, Warehouse, trade, sell become minimum. 
According to Centre For Monitoring Indian Economy there are 5.59 million salaries employees lost their job during the month of March and April in India. 
There are many sectors in which people lost their jobs. These sectors are Hospitality, Aviation, Travel and Tourism. 
There are many sectors in whose new jobs increases. These sectors are Health and E-mail learning. 
But the ratio of new jobs is minimum where are the ratio of lost jobs is maximum. 

To survive Indian company makes many policy in area of production , marketing, H R M ,etc so the opportunities of new job is  less.So we may care the sectors which future is bright and where Job opportunity is maximum.
According to my survey following sectors have maximum opportunity.

BOOM SECTOR- Medicine, Health, Insurance, Banking, Medicine allied, Online shopping, FMCG, Food industry, Agriculture, Fishing, Dairy.

Depression- Airlines, Hospitality, Tourism, Automobile, Media, Advertisement, Import, Export, Property.


  1. It is absolutely right 👍, in pendemic time,it gives us more opportunities to nourish their skills in degital plateform and aware every person to maintain heign.

  2. Employment is very essential for all as it hepls us to earn to fulfill our requirement but as it is affected by the virus. Some measures should be taken to improvise it

  3. World economy plunged due to covid-19 infection.Most of the people lost their job .

  4. Yes it gives us more opportunities to many people. But because of covid-19 most people lost their job.

  5. At a glance the article has tried to make our attention towards those sectors which is in booming direction and on the contrary in depressive condition.Almost all the sectors which have been brought under disscussion in the article is associated with higher degree of employment, While a maximum chunk of people those have been directly affected by the recession are rural habitant.
    Therefore, I would like to make your attention which I wish to throw light on the sectors may relevant to provide jobs and create employment for the sake of consuming unskilled manpower who have been lost their livelihood due to the circumstances arises out of the spread of covid-19 pandemic.

    Thanks !

  6. Yes all this is happening just because of covid.

  7. The covid pandemic has triggered one of the worst job crisis affected employment very badly.there is a real danger that the crisis will increase poverty.
    (Annie kiran)


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