Function of Management

Today Management is the back bone of every Organisation The performance of Organization depends on The quality of Management. If Management is qualify any new Venture\ Starts up Success in world economy.whereas if Management is not qualify any large scale company insolvence in market.
 Qualify Management.
 Ex. Paytm.
Olacabs Make My Trip, Shopclues, Zomato.Red Bus Fresh Food.
There are a number of scholars entrepreneurs industrialist define the function of Management a number of ways. According to our opinion the basic function of Management is as below 

1. Planning It is the First Function of Management  It  Consists Policies Programmes Procedures etc. It is an advance action that Will Implement According  to need of organization  to perform to Function like Production Supply by effective efficient Way.

2.organizing -it is the second function of Management .It established forms. structure of authority and responsibility of organization .It divides functions ,tasks action in such type of way that when function increases our human resource force complete it smoothly.

3.Staffing-It is thr third function of Management .It is done after planning and organizing .It chooses one of the best way of dividing function ,sub function among employees according to positive feature of employees to complete it at right time 

4.Directing-There are many hundred employees work in organization.In the working period employees face many problems .These problems belong to technique ,professional area .directing is the process of inspiring ,influencing,leading,motivational human resource force to be achived  their task according to our plan.

5.Controlling-It is the last function of Managrment.It is the process of removing gap between actual function and planned function inside orgnization.It removes all problems barriers that come in the performing function of organization.


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